Gwyn Duffy

Gwyn Duffy

Picture Shows: The Doctor (CHRISTOPHER ECCLESTON) and Rose (BILLIE PIPER). Courtesy BBC

Doctor Who: The long-awaited reunion of the Ninth Doctor and Rose is coming in August

Gwyn Duffy

2013 Rhode Island Comic Con - Day 1

Doctor Who and Harry Potter fans mourn the loss of a beloved character actor

Gwyn Duffy

Doctor Who Boom Ncuti Gatwa

What we know about Freddie Fox, the new addition to Gatwa's Season 2 of Doctor Who

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Sylvester McCoy as the Seventh Doctor in Survival, Doctor Who. Image Courtesy BBC Studios, BritBox

Doctor Who's Seventh Doctor stars in gripping and timely new film

Gwyn Duffy

Cast of Dr. Who and the Daleks

Doctor Who: The Children of the Doctor

Gwyn Duffy
Ncuti Gatwa Lights Up The London Eye For "Doctor Who"

Doctor Who: Yule, Who, eggnog, and your noggin

Gwyn Duffy
Sophie, Countess Of Wessex Hosts Reception To Mark 50th Anniversary Of Doctor Who

Doctor Who's revival - An introduction to the Whoniverse for a whole new generation

Gwyn Duffy