Known for his portrayal as the Fat Friar in the Harry Potter series of films, and perhaps remembered more warmly by Whovians for his role as Dorium Maldovar from the Matt Smith generation of Doctor Who, Simon Fisher-Becker brought a warmth and wit to every role he played. With Dorium, the viewer could be tempted to write him off as simply a shady dealer of alien technology, one who has little to no scruples when it comes to fattening his purse. But then there's the episode "A Good Man Goes to War".
Dorium comes to fight at the side of the Doctor at Demon's Run, risking life and limb, to save the kidnapped Amy Pond (Karen Gillan). His negotiating skills come in quite handy (until they don't but that's spoilers sweetie) during this all-out battle, and for once you actually know what side of history Dorium belongs on. (It's the right one in case you were wondering.) When it comes to galactic conflicts between good and evil...always back the Doctor, even if it costs you your head.

Aside from Fisher-Becker's appearances on Doctor Who and multiple projects associated with the franchise, he stayed very active in the film and television industries. Starting in the business in 1990 and leaving six projects in production at the time of his passing, it's clear to see that not only was he a talented actor but also an in-demand one. We can only imagine how profoundly his loss has impacted his colleagues, fellow actors, his friends, his family, and of course his husband Anthony (Tony) Dugdale.
Details about Simon Fisher-Becker's passing are not known at this time. All we know is that there is a legion of fans who will miss his quirky, direct, and no-nonsense deliveries in his performances and his incredible talent and love for the franchise. His memory will live on in a celluloid and digital fashion as well as in the hearts of his loved ones. Embrace life and all the adventures that come with it because as Dorium Maldovar himself once said, "It's all still waiting for you."