Ncuti Gatwa and Varada Sethu Visit the Empire State Building Ahead of the Season Two Premiere of

Doctor Who

Doctor Who Season 2 episode titles, writers, and directors announced!

Meagan Bojarski

Doctor Who

20 years of New Who: Looking back at "The Trip of a Lifetime!"


Doctor Who's worst Series 2 episode: "Fear Her”

Doctor Who

20 years of New Who: How Russell T Davies retold a classic Doctor Who story for a new beginning

Doctor Who

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Sometimes, the same person can meet themselves at different points in time. But doing so can have drastic consequences, according to the Blinovitch Limitation Effect...

Doctor Who technobabble: What is the Blinovitch Limitation Effect?

James Aggas

Doctor Who fans can look forward to more animations of lost classics featuring the First and Second Doctors.

Doctor Who news: Animated missing stories may be released at increased rate

James Aggas

The five Doctor Who books I've read and what I thought of them

Kate Willis

2013 Rhode Island Comic Con - Day 1

Doctor Who and Harry Potter fans mourn the loss of a beloved character actor

Gwyn Duffy

Sci-Fi Shows and Movies

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Dredd (2012) | 4K Trailer

Dredd continues to draw in an audience on streaming 13 years after its release

James Aggas

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Sylvester McCoy as the Seventh Doctor in Survival, Doctor Who. Image Courtesy BBC Studios, BritBox

Doctor Who's Seventh Doctor stars in gripping and timely new film

Gwyn Duffy
The new CBS show Watson promises a new take on its iconic character, but does it deliver? (L-R): Morris Chestnut as Dr. John Watson and Ritchie Coster as Shinwell Johnson

Review: Watson's pilot episode is a surprisingly bland take on a classic character

James Aggas
Transformers One is a fantastic new take on the classic franchise.

Review: Transformers One is a thrilling and action-packed origin story

James Aggas


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Doctor Who And The Daleks

Doctor Who classic moments: Why the ending of "Genesis of the Daleks" is perfect

James Aggas

Jodie Whittaker as The Doctor, Sacha Dhawan as The Master.

Doctor Who: The Timeless Child - 5 years since the show's biggest retcon

James Aggas
Today marks 50 years since one of Doctor Who's most important Dalek stories was broadcast. We take a look at the impact of "Genesis of the Daleks".

Doctor Who: The greatest Dalek story ever? Celebrating 50 years of "Genesis of the Daleks"

James Aggas

5 things I'm looking forward to in Season 2 of Doctor Who (2023-)

Kate Willis
Jon Pertwee

Doctor Who

Doctor Who YouTube Watch: US fans can watch Season 7 for free while waiting for the Blu-ray

James Aggas

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Last Christmas Trailer | Doctor Who | BBC
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Doctor Who Deep Dive: How do the dream layers actually work in "Last Christmas?"

Meagan Bojarski

Doctor Who Boom Ncuti Gatwa

What we know about Freddie Fox, the new addition to Gatwa's Season 2 of Doctor Who

Gwyn Duffy

Rose Tyler from Doctor Who changed my life in ways I'm still discovering

Kate Willis

Sylvester Mccoy

Doctor Who news: Classic Who's penultimate season has been released on Blu-ray in the US

James Aggas

More Stories

When Doctor Who Weekly began in 1979, it did more than publish stories featuring Tom Baker's Fourth Doctor. It also published other stories in the Doctor Who universe - including one about a stolen TARDIS...

Doctor Who history: Does a '70s comic story hint at the Doctor's origins?

James Aggas

One of the most important British sci-fi series is finally available on Blu-ray in North America

James Aggas

Ranking every episode from Doctor Who season one (2024)

Meagan Bojarski

Photo: Good Omens First Look. Pictured: David Tennant and Michael Sheen Courtesy Amazon Prime Video

Sci-Fi TV Shows and Movies

13 Good Omens actors you didn't know were in Doctor Who

Meagan Bojarski
SEASON 1 TEASER | Doctor Who 2024 | Doctor Who
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Doctor Who

Doctor Who on Disney+: What to know when watching the series for the first time

James Aggas
The Doctor (David Tennant) in Doctor Who.

Doctor Who

5 Doctor Who stars who appeared in the most episodes

Meagan Bojarski

The 10 most prolific Doctor Who writers

Meagan Bojarski

Doctor Who history: The two Doctors and four versions of The Star Beast

James Aggas

Doctor Who. Credit: BBC Studios

Doctor Who

Doctor Who season 2: Everything we know so far

Ashley Hurst
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Doctor Who

Doctor Who: How well does Season One (2024) work as a fresh start?

James Aggas
Daleks, Susan and First Doctor in The Daleks. Doctor Who


The Daleks Review: Lots of lore, but definitely not Doctor Who's strongest story

Meagan Bojarski