Meagan Bojarski

Meagan Bojarski

Meagan Bojarski is a writer on all things history and entertainment. She has a bachelor's degree in History and a master's in Communication and Rhetorical Studies, which guide her in researching and writing exciting articles. Meagan is also the co-host of Dream With Mind and Heart, a Disney history podcast.

Ncuti Gatwa and Varada Sethu Visit the Empire State Building Ahead of the Season Two Premiere of

Doctor Who Season 2 episode titles, writers, and directors announced!

Meagan Bojarski

Attacked by a Scribble Monster! (HD) | Fear Her | Doctor Who

Doctor Who's worst Series 2 episode: "Fear Her”

Meagan Bojarski

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Last Christmas Trailer | Doctor Who | BBC

Doctor Who Deep Dive: How do the dream layers actually work in "Last Christmas?"

Meagan Bojarski

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Doctor Who. Credit: BBC Studios

Doctor Who Season 2 release date announced in an incredibly confusing way

Meagan Bojarski

Doctor Who: The Birth of a Sun - The Edge of Destruction
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"The Edge of Destruction" Review: A serial with all the right goals, but dubious execution

Meagan Bojarski
Merlin: The Beginning of the End - Next Time - BBC
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11 BBC Merlin actors you didn't remember were in Doctor Who

Meagan Bojarski
The Slitheen Revealed | Aliens of London (HD) | Doctor Who
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Doctor Who's worst Series 1 episodes: "Aliens of London" and "World War 3"

Meagan Bojarski
Doctor Who | Joy to the World | The Doctor Spends A Year With Anita As Close Friends
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Doctor Who theory: Is Anita Benn actually Mrs. Flood?

Meagan Bojarski
Doctor Who. Credit: BBC Studios

Why I can't accept that Ruby Sunday is as important as Doctor Who keeps insisting she is

Meagan Bojarski
The Doctor ((Ncuti Gatwa) in the Doctor Who Christmas Special 2023.

Ranking the Doctor Who Christmas specials, worst to best

Meagan Bojarski
DELETED SCENES from Season 1 and the 60th Anniversary Specials | Doctor Who
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Should Doctor Who have kept these 14 deleted scenes in the last season?

Meagan Bojarski
John Barrowman as Captain Jack Harkness, Bradley Walsh as Graham, Tosin Cole as Ryan, Chris Noth as Robertson, Daleks - Doctor Who Special 2020: Revolution Of The Daleks - Photo Credit: James Pardon/BBC Studios/BBCA

Which recurring characters appear in the most episodes of Doctor Who?

Meagan Bojarski
Doctor Who. Credit: BBC Studios

Where to watch Doctor Who: A guide to watch every episode (in the US)

Meagan Bojarski

Doctor Who. Credit: BBC Studios

Ranking every episode from Doctor Who season one (2024)

Meagan Bojarski

Photo: Good Omens First Look. Pictured: David Tennant and Michael Sheen Courtesy Amazon Prime Video

13 Good Omens actors you didn't know were in Doctor Who

Meagan Bojarski

The Doctor (David Tennant) in Doctor Who.

5 Doctor Who stars who appeared in the most episodes

Meagan Bojarski