The five Doctor Who books I've read and what I thought of them

The five Doctor Who novels I've read have included ancient Rome, Daleks, and fairy tales. Here are my thoughts on each of those stories.
Ollie Millington/GettyImages

While I do love a good episode of Doctor Who, there's something so magical about also getting to visit my favorite worlds in book format. Maybe that's because I'm a voracious reader outside of my Whovian life or because of the endless creativity and diverse voices extended media allows.

From Emily Cook's upcoming Fifteenth Doctor novel Fear Death by Water to the recently announced Third Doctor Adventures: "Operation Vengeance", the Doctor Who universe is ever-growing and expanding and sometimes it can be a little overwhelming to figure out where to start. I've read these few books mostly from the happenstance of finding them at thrift stores, but I've enjoyed each one and maybe you'll find a new favorite.

The Stone Rose by Jacqueline Rayner

Set sometime during the Tenth Doctor and Rose era, this entry fits seamlessly into the show as just another solid episode and became a fan favorite. Everyone is so perfectly in character, well-written, and a good mix of brilliant and humorous, and the historical background and time travel shenanigans were fantastic. (And Ten/Rose are cuties.) After listening to a sample, I decided to spring for the audiobook narrated by David Tennant and I'm so glad I did. He's a master storyteller and captures the voices and mannerisms of each character so well. Enjoy this piece of fan art from the climax of the story.

I Am a Dalek by Gareth Roberts

The Daleks are always a formidable enemy, and since Ten and Rose rank highly in my favorites, I tried another of their adventures a few years later during lockdown. (I have since discovered the author's blatant transphobia, and while it's not present in this book, I won't be reading more by him.) This book had me bawling by the end of it with its sweet reminder of the beauty, potential, and absolute love humanity is capable of. It was also very well-written, adventuresome, and fun.

The Price of Paradise by Colin Brake

Another fun jaunt for the Doctor and Rose, this one had deeper, anti-colonial and environmentalist themes that fit well with the overall values of the show. Unfortunately, Ten and Rose weren't written as well in character as other extended media, and some of the outdated stereotypes and language used took away from my enjoyment.

Time Lord Fairy Tales by Justin Richards

May I recommend this one as a gift for your local Whovian? It takes classic fairy tales and meshes them with concepts and characters from the show (all the way to Twelfth Doctor) in one perfectly beautiful, illustrated volume. As a fairy tale and Doctor Who fan, I was completely satisfied with this collection, and I'll be reading it again sometime.

Engines of War by George Mann

The War Doctor has a special place in my heart and "The Day of the Doctor" is my absolute favorite episode, so I was really excited when I discovered this tie-in novel. Dalek experiments, Time Lord machinations, a spunky one-off companion, and a very in-character Doctor proved to be quite a fun adventure. I also read this at a time when I was having serious doubts about the Timeless Child retcon and getting to know the Time Lords and their motives helped ease me into the idea.

Overall, reading Doctor Who novels has been a positive experience for me, and I look forward to trying some of the newer ones.