The 5 best episodes to turn your friend into a Doctor Who fan

We all want our friends to experience the joy of the Doctor Who fandom, and I have a few ideas of where to get them started.

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I recently had the unique joy of inviting my best friend into the Whoniverse. She had heard me talk about it a lot already, but we finally had time together where I could show her a few episodes. I ended up showing her a some of my favorites, mostly from the David Tennant era, but as I've thought about it more, I think these are the ideal episodes for introducing your friend to the wibbly-wobbly world of Doctor Who.

Start at the beginning with "Rose"

In the very first episode of the 2005-2022 era of Doctor Who, we meet Rose Tyler, the enigmatic Ninth Doctor, and the wild, campy, weird, creativity that is this show. This episode does a great job of making you care about the characters while introducing a world unlike any other: where mannequins come to life, boyfriends are swallowed by trash cans, and 900-year-old Time Lords blow up your job.

From the scene where Rose first wakes up with bedhead and we find out just how much she's like us to the Doctor's speech about feeling the Earth spin and we find out how unlike us he is, this often overlooked episode is a great crash course on Doctor Who.

Throw in some iconic monsters

I would be remiss if I didn't mention the fan-favorite Tenth Doctor era episode, "Blink". It shows the audience how haunting, compelling, and bittersweet Doctor Who can be, and it accomplishes it all while following a brand-new character. Also, it's downright terrifying, and if the production value of plastic Mickey isn't good enough for the new viewer, perhaps the Weeping Angels will be.

Or a bit of bittersweet history

Historical episodes are always a hit or a miss for me, but "Vincent and the Doctor" with an energetic yet gentle Eleventh Doctor and a hopeful Amy Pond is my favorite and one I showed to my friend. The themes of mental health and the important, sacred value of every human that winds through the whole show, if somewhat imperfectly, are especially on display in this heartbreaking yet beautiful episode.

Showcase what Christmas has to offer

If there's anything Doctor Who does perfectly, it's Christmas, and the various specials are not to be missed. I think a Christmas special is the perfect, standalone introduction to this world, and the holiday cheer is just a bonus. My personal favorites are either "The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe" or "The Christmas Invasion", but this is one you can definitely get creative with.

Start with the latest era

The Fifteenth Doctor era, starting in 2023 with "The Church on Ruby Road", has been as wild, wholehearted, and varied as the rest of the show with Ncuti Gatwa's charming performance the latest in a long string of Doctors. This episode was intentionally structured as a good soft reboot of the series, and I for one think it's a great place to start. After all, once your friend is in the fandom, there's plenty of time to catch them up on everything else.

Where would you start someone on their journey to becoming a Whovian?