We've recently taken a look at the new trailer for the upcoming Christmas special "Joy to the World". There's a lot included in the trailer that promises it will be a fun Doctor Who adventure. But there was one moment that stood out.
At one point, the Doctor sees another version of himself. It's clear from the trailer alone that this version of the Doctor isn't a clone or from a parallel universe, but it's the Fifteenth Doctor from some point in his future.
This feels very true to Steven Moffat's style, both as a writer and as a former showrunner. We've seen Doctors meet each other. Not just in multi-Doctor stories like "The Day of the Doctor" and "Twice Upon a Time". But also in Series 5 finale "The Big Bang", where Matt Smith's Eleventh Doctor encounters a version of himself from just ten minutes into the future.
The future Doctor in "Joy to the World" seems to be from a little further than that. How much further? Enough to answer every question that his earlier self asks with, "You'll find out". Repeatedly. And it suddenly occured to me that, once upon a time, he would've given a different answer to those questions.

It's been a long time since we've heard the Doctor use that term. We used to hear him say "Spoilers!" on a regular basis. It was originally introduced back in Series 4, specifically in the two-part story "Silence in the Library"/"Forest of the Dead". What else was introduced in that story? Or rather, who else? Professor River Song.
Of course, with every subsequent appearance, River Song would often say, "Spoilers!", in reference to future events. The Eleventh Doctor would also use it from time to time, such as in "The Day of the Doctor" when trying to avoid discussing Trenzalore with Ten.
It's been a long time since we've heard the word "Spoilers", though. This is partly because we said goodbye to River Song a long time ago, at least on-screen, in the 2015 Christmas special "The Husbands of River Song". After Moffat left as showrunner, the Doctor's life became less timey-wimey, so it makes sense that we haven't heard it as much. But there may be another reason why the Doctor doesn't say it anymore.
"You'll find out"
With the recent trailer showing the Doctor asking questions of his future self, it seems like the perfect excuse to bring "Spoilers!" back. Especially as the episode is written by Steven Moffat himself. But we don't hear "Spoilers", at least not in the trailer. We hear, "You'll find out". Over and over again. "You'll find out".
That feels like a very deliberate choice on Moffat's part. Especially as it presents the most timey-wimey situation we've had in Doctor Who in a long while. So why not bring back a classic catchphrase?
It might be as simple as Moffat wishing "Spoilers!" to be retired along with River. And in terms of the Doctor's character, it makes sense. As previously mentioned, River enjoyed saying it a lot, arguably much more than the Doctor. Perhaps the Doctor doesn't want to be reminded of River anymore, not since his final goodbye to her in "Husbands". As sad as it is to consider, it's also a good idea for the show to continue to push the character forward.
I am admittedly basing this just on a trailer, not a full episode, so perhaps we will hear the Doctor say "Spoilers!" once or twice. But if this is Steven Moffat's final episode as previously hinted, then firmly retiring a key phrase from his era - while possibly introducing a new one for future writers to use - is not a bad way to say goodbye.