Doctor Who: How well does Season One (2024) work as a fresh start?

We take a look at Doctor Who’s most recent season as a whole and ask a key question: is the new Season One a great jumping-on point for new viewers?
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A successful introduction?

Of course, as major as Sutekh's return is, Ruby's story is the real focus of the finale. Whether it’s a satisfactory conclusion or not is open to debate, but Empire of Death did answer the question of who Ruby’s mother was. It even gave Ruby a fitting reason to say goodbye to the Doctor, at least for now. There are still unanswered questions, of course. “Who is Mrs. Flood?” definitely stands out as the biggest. But this season's story feels resolved.

More importantly, even with the inclusion of Sutekh, Season One still feels like a new beginning for the series, one that introduces the core elements of the show to new viewers well. Not only did it feature a new Doctor and companion, but it also featured a wide variety of storytelling, even with just eight episodes (nine when including the Christmas special).

It’s a season that ranges from light and silly to dark and intense. It’s a season that includes comedy, horror, fantasy, war, and even a musical number. In some ways, it’s Doctor Who like we’ve never seen it before, but in other ways, it also feels like a great example of what makes the show so special. And it’s certainly an easy season to recommend to newcomers.