Doctor Who: Top 10 missing stories we want to see completed

Across streaming services and physical media, there are many great Doctor Who stories to watch - but there are also many great stories that are incomplete or even entirely missing. Here are the top 10 missing stories that we'd love to be able to watch.
We look back on the missing episodes of Doctor Who, and select the top ten stories that we want to see restored in full.
We look back on the missing episodes of Doctor Who, and select the top ten stories that we want to see restored in full. | BBC
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Doctor Who
The 12-part epic The Daleks' Master Plan would be amazing to watch in full. | Keystone/GettyImages

5. The Daleks' Master Plan - All episodes except 2, 5 and 10

As you can see with this one, it's easier to list which episodes still survive than the ones that don't. A key reason is the sheer length of the story - at 12 episodes long, The Daleks' Master Plan is easily one of the longest Doctor Who stories in the show's history.

It's definitely the longest Dalek story ever made. At 12 episodes long - 13 if you include the prelude Mission to the Unknown - there's definitely a risk of the story dragging. Stories often drag at 6 episodes, let alone 12!

Fortunately, The Daleks' Master Plan packs in a lot. The TARDIS crew journey to so many times and places and face so many threats, as they're relentlessly chased across time and space by the Daleks. We also have a new team of villains aiding the Daleks, led by Mavic Chen - the "Guardian of the Solar System". The stakes feel high and there are a lot of shocking moments - not least of which is the first-ever death of a companion!

The Daleks' Master Plan is an incredibly ambitious story, and based on the surviving episodes as well as the soundtrack, it's a story that holds up surprisingly well. It would be amazing if we ever got the chance to watch the 12-part epic in full.