Doctor Who: New Who concepts that should be expanded


It’s been a long time since we last visited New Earth. Perhaps it’s time to change that.

(Photo credit: Doctor Who/BBC

Image obtained from: BBC Press)

Over the last decade, the New Series of Doctor Who has given us many interesting ideas and concepts. Today, we look at several that have the potential to be expanded in Series Eleven or beyond.

Since Doctor Who’s triumphant re-launch in 2005, we’ve had over a decade of modern Doctor Who – or New Who, as many call it. Stories, concepts and characters brought forth have been many and varied.

Despite the wealth of ideas portrayed on screen, I feel that there are a select few that stand out. Not just in terms of how compelling they are, but because they’re all ripe for growth and expansion. Nothing is more frustrating than a missed opportunity.  Doctor Who would be doing just that if these elements weren’t examined further.

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The Shadow Proclamation

The Shadow Proclamation, the “outer space police”, is a Galactic Police Force that upholds Galactic Law, enforcing Articles, Conventions and Treaties. We’d heard the name ‘Shadow Proclamation’ and the various pieces of legislation it enforces semi-regularly throughout Russell T. Davies’ (RTD) era.

But it wasn’t until Series 4’s The Stolen Earth that we saw the organisation physically. Steven Moffat made it more muted during his tenure, although he actively utilised them in The Eleventh Hour.

It’s borderline criminal we’ve not seen more of the organisation. The potential awaiting a writer’s timey-wimey fingertips is abundant.

Firstly, breaking down how the Shadow Proclamation operates legally, diplomatically and militarily would offer a stimulating venture into the wider Doctor Who universe. It goes without saying that political storytelling could be an integral part of unmasking the organisation’s structure.

Interestingly, we know there’s a metric of planetary evolution/intelligence. Earth, for example, has the rank of a ‘Level 5’ planet. Witnessing the process and repercussions of categorising entire planetary civilisations could lead to stories centering on moral conflicts.

The Shadow Proclamation could be consistently used throughout space-faring stories in large or small ways. It would also be a prime vehicle for allowing multiple alien species to be presented on screen organically.

In the RTD era they had planned to include a multitude of New Who creations. Beings such as the Sycorax, Krillitanes, Vespiforms and the Hath. The Judoon too (a major race working for the Shadow Proclamation) are already recognisable New Who creations. So it would be cool to see more done with them.

New Earth

We’ve had a pseudo-trilogy following the journey of humanity after the Earth is destroyed with The End of The World, New Earth and Gridlock. However, there’s ample room for exploration dealing with humanity’s future existence, and that of human galactic colonisation in general.

Humanity wrestling with advancements in technology, and its place in a societal framework could be hauntingly prophetic. We’ve seen on New Earth how advances in technology and pharmaceuticals can be a liberating factor but also one of manipulation.

The Classic era detailed with greater clarity the subjects of galactic colonisation and empire. It’s  time New Who also went in this direction. We’ve seen human empires in New Who, but haven’t always felt the ramifications of them. Either on the human side or the alien side. Using New Earth as a tool, it could facilitate the rise of tales depicting the expansion of human power across the universe.

Photo credit: Doctor Who/BBC

Image obtained from: BBC Press

The Ood

The Ood species, and their planet the Ood Sphere, may seem like a peculiar choice for New Who to broaden. However I contend it would bolster storytelling. They are creatures that are highly telepathic, empathic race with a back-story marred with human exploitation.

Aside from the Planet of The Ood we’ve rarely delved into this curious species. The Ood’s true nature has an air of mystery behind them also. Mainly being used as possession fodder for more powerful entities.

Many, including myself, want an increase in stories set on alien worlds. What better way to start than with a popular, recognisable species that audiences have an attachment to? The Ood could end up being firm allies in the Doctor’s adventures. A deep-rooted love and friendship has already been established between our favourite Time Lord and the Ood Elders.

The End of Time established a mystery surrounding their sudden evolution. However, the mystery has never been addressed. So this could be the basis of a story to re-establish the Ood-Sphere as a recurring element.

Trap Streets

The much celebrated Series 9 story Face The Raven established the enchanting concept of ‘Trap Streets.’ Hidden in the heart of London lies a city within a city. Tucked away in the labyrinth-esque pathways of the city lies an entire network typically beyond the realms of human perception. This alone is an idea soaked in awe and captivating curiosity, fitting in well with the themes of Doctor Who.

These Trap Streets though, host an alien refugee community cloaked from public sight. Again, like the Shadow Proclamation, it would be a great opportunity to show-case New Who creatures of days gone by.

But more pertinent than that, however, is the drama and tensions this could spark. A refugee community with multiple species on a planet foreign to them could be a powder-keg for conflict. Both with themselves and humanity.

On the other hand, empathy-driven stories could arise show-casing how love and co-operation can transcend species and circumstance.

Next: Doctor Who review: The Resurrection of Mars (Eighth Doctor audio)

But what do you think? Do you agree with the concepts I brought up? Or do you think there are better ideas?  Leave your thoughts and ideas in the comments below.