Looking for something to watch during the hiatus? Try ‘Firefly’!


Last time, we told you to spend the hiatus watching Life on Mars. Not your cup of tea? Try the cult show Firefly!

During the hiatus, things can get rough. Sometimes we start breaking down everything, going into a hole of nothingness that no TARDIS can ever get us out of. The best way to get out of it? Trying on another show.

It doesn’t mean that we’re trying to get you not to watch Doctor Who! If you wanna rewatch season 10 or the entire series until Christmas, go ahead! But there are some shows out there that will give you some distraction from the long wait we have in front of us.

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Last time, we told you to watch Life on Mars, it was about a character who went back in time — maybe — and was played by John Simm. This time, my suggestion is Firefly, a cult favorite for fans of Joss Whedon.

If you’re a fan of sci-fi in general, then you’ll most likely love this show. If you’re a fan of Doctor Who, your chances increase exponentially. The show stars Nathan Fillion and is about a crew of people running away from the law, picking people up to travel with them along the way.

Sound familiar?

It takes place in the future the year 2517, in a dystopian world. There are cowboys in space, Chinese and English language, and for some reason, it all works. It’s like Doctor Who: light-hearted, funny, with a bunch of subplots as well. Unfortunately, it only ran for one season, something that plagues many fans of the show.

Since Doctor Who is also considered a cult show, you might have already heard of Firefly, or even watched it. But if it’s been sitting on your “shows to watch” list, now’s the perfect time to give it a go.

You can currently watch Firefly on Amazon Prime and Hulu! It’s much easier to find than Life of Mars because most of us already have a Hulu subscription.