The tale of a true Doctor Who love story, Georgia and David Tennant


BBC, Georgia Moffett, David Tennant

For reasons unknown to me, I’ve been thinking about love. Specifically, a Doctor Who couple.

It’s not a fictional couple, or one that happened strictly in the land of space and time, but rather on set of Doctor Who.

In case you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m talking about the story of Georgia Moffet and David Tennant. The couple that can only be described by fate’s doing, and most likely, a fanboy’s dream. (Though Tom Baker and Lalla Ward are a close second)

Here’s how the story goes…

Though it’s a joke to many Whovians, Georgia Moffett is Peter Davison’s daughter, making her the Doctor’s Daughter. Coincidentally, this was the name of the episode she starred in with David Tennant, where they met (assumed). In the Doctor Who Confidential about the episode, Georgia Moffet revealed that when her father did Time Crash with David, he told Georgia it was finally her turn to be on Doctor Who.

Next thing we know, in 2011, Georgia is pregnant with their first baby and engaged to David Tennant! They kept quiet about their personal life for a long time, including two more children. Now up to four children after David adopted her first son, it seems like they have a lot going on.

What brought all this on, you may ask? Slowly, since David has become more popular in the United States, and with our inability to let things be private, he’s started talking about his wife. Girls, men should talk about you the way that David talks about his wife. The love radiates from him whenever he says her name (in my opinion, even in the Confidential). Then, this beautiful thing happened at the TCAs this year.

It’s safe to say that nothing is secret anymore. And I’m absolutely here for this couple 100% and of course, David Tennant is the perfect husband to the beautiful Georgia Tennant with four beautiful children.