Doctor Who and more: What are we watching this weekend? 8.19


This week, we’ve been focusing a lot on the Superlatives of Season 10, which we fully mean to continue next week! But it definitely means that we need a break thinking about season 10. So this weekend is going to be a #THROWBACK weekend!

What is a #throwback weekend? Exactly like it sounds. On Saturday, we’ll post a review and recap of our favorite episode that’s not from season nine or ten. It could be a fan favorite, like Blink, or it could be an underrated episode. It could even be a Classic Episode if I’m feeling adventurous!

So it’ll be all Doctor Who all weekend as far as what we’ll watching. Specifically:

Doctor Who:

Robots of Sherwood in season eight. I know many people don’t particularly love all of Mark Gatiss’s writing, but this episode is my absolute favorite of season eight. It’s a fun episode to watch, and there’s a lot of great one liners. Definitely, expect a Top 5 moments for this episode.


Last week we were all about Torchwood, and this weekend we’re all about David Tennant! I’ll be posting my first Audio review while James takes a little time off. Pray for me folks that I may do him justice. If I can, I will also write the about Torchwood (but not a review, just a recap). We’ll wait for James for him to come back and review the epic series five.

Besides Doctor Who…

What are we watching besides Doctor Who? Last week, I binge-watched Victoria in a single night. (Yes, I was up all night.) So, if you haven’t watched it, I strongly urge you do. Jenna Coleman does a fantastic job of playing the young queen. And there are many small jokes, which I know is the queen, but they make me laugh anyway!