Doctor Who Opinion: Will the Master stay good after season 10?


Missy proved that she was good in season 10, but what about when the Master inevitably returns?

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At the end of The Doctor Falls, Missy was left dead in the forest, killed by the John Simm regeneration. As if this weren’t heartbreaking enough for the character, she was just about to leave her former self to go help the Doctor. Proving that, for once, Missy had turned good enough to fight not only what her mind was telling her, but what the Master was saying, right in front of her.

Her death was one that has shocked the fandom and many, still, are reeling from the fact that the Doctor never got to know the effect he had in the end. However, if you’re worried about whether or not the Master will return, count on it. Moffat himself has said that the Master has died multiple times throughout the Classic and New Eras, but always managed to come back without people questioning it.

So, the Master will come back…but will they be good?

We know that the Master will be coming back at some point in the future, but will the Master be good? It all depends on how you look at it. For instance, when talking about a regeneration, many people use Ten’s quote: “I die, and a new man takes my place.” (Abridged, but you get the idea.)

This could mean that when the Master comes back, we’ll see Master whom the Doctor had no affect on. But I don’t think that’s going to be the case.

The Doctor changed Missy enough to the point that her former regeneration killed her so that she couldn’t help the Doctor. Throughout the episode, even if it looked like Missy was on the side of the Master, it seemed that she always wanted to help the Doctor. This is an incredible character change for such an iconic villain.

Even when the Master first appeared in the Classic series, he wasn’t good, even if you saw a bit of respect in their frenemy-ship.

We definitely saw a change in Missy between season 8, when she was controlling the Nethersphere and the Cybermen to season 10, trying to reconcile everything she did. The Doctor definitely had a serious affect on her, but if it’ll stick is a whole other question.

So…they won’t be good?

Most likely, when the Master comes back, they will see turning good as the reason for their previous demise. If Missy had gone with John Simm’s Master, and not wanted to help the Doctor, she’d be here.

Unfortunately, despite the fact that the Master is a Time Lord, and they and the Doctor could be great friends if they decided to become good, it won’t happen. The Master is sort of the “arch enemy” in the show. Without the Master, I’m not sure what would happen.

Next: 5 Best Nods to Classic Who in The Doctor Falls

Do you think the Master will retain any feelings of being good, or go back to being evil? Let us know!