Even The Boy Scouts Are Fans Of Doctor Who Because Who Isn’t?


This Texas Boy Scout Troop paid tribute to Doctor Who in the coolest way. They took his name, and they’re officially the coolest scouts in the Whoniverse.

These Boy Scouts in Texarkana, Texas have found something they can come together around. They are all Doctor Who fans, and named the Troop 3 the Time Lords patrol.

Donna Standridge, advancement chair for Troop 3 brought the name to the attention of the troop’s adults and they all agreed. She said, “I am a huge Doctor Who fan and saw this TARDIS patch when looking for a patch source for the Scouts.” She told Scouting Magazine,“I had to have it.”

Standrdige says troops can pick their own names, and often it has to do with the culture in the troop. Some are called the Bald Eages or the Y-Knots, as in “‘Can we go here for our next campout?’ ‘Why not?'”

The adults in Troop 3, however, recognized the significance in the TARDIS patch because they found themselves saying things like, “‘I ain’t got time for that!’ and ‘Do we have time to do this?’” But, she elaborates, “No matter how much we say we can’t find the time, we always do.”

The Scouters’ badge gets recognized more and more, as Doctor Who gains popularity in the US. She remarks, “When they see it on our uniform shirt, the reaction is always giant smiles and laughter at how fitting and original it is.”

Not everyone catches on right at first, however, “There are a few that don’t get it and we have to explain it, but mostly it is a positive thing.” She goes on, “I know I have made several new friends because of the conversations that come up from it.”

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It’s just not an inside joke among the adults, either. The kids – most of whom are fans of the show themselves- seem to enjoy it too.

Troop 3, in a fitting twist of fate, is a bit of a time anomaly itself. It’s been around for 93 years – longer than the Doctor himself –

Photo: BBC

and is “the longest continuously operating troop in the Caddo Area Council.”