Doctor Who Spinoff Class to be Picked Up by BBC America


It may still be quite some time until we get news on Series Ten, but there is a bit of news on the Doctor Who front. This time, it involves the upcoming spinoff ‘Class.’

Just over three months ago, a new Doctor Who spinoff, Class, was announced. Taking place at Coal Hill School, it shows what it would be like for young adults to grow up in the Whoniverse, complete with monsters, aliens and other assorted threats. Instead of seeing things from the vantage point of the Doctor and his companion, we will get a sense of what it is like from the view of someone growing up in that world.

Unfortunately, for those of us in the States, Class was set to be aired on BBC3, shutting those of us stateside out from being able to watch the program. That is no longer the case, as it was announced that the spinoff will now be aired on BBC America as well, providing another avenue for the fans to watch the program.

There were also quite a few revelations. Peter Capaldi will be making an appearance on the show as the Twelfth Doctor, helping to place the show within the overall canon of Doctor Who. Class also will not be the extended series that other spinoffs have been, as it is currently set to have eight 45 minute episodes at this point in time.

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It will be interesting to see how Class is received. Given the attention that Doctor Who has garnered from new fans, and from the younger generation, it makes sense that the BBC would want to further tap into that demographic. Class would seemingly fit in well with those viewers, but will it have enough of an ability to draw in more of the fanbase?

By bringing in the Doctor, there is the potential to pull in more Whovians. If nothing else, people will be interested to see what it is like to watch the Doctor from the outside, to see him defeat these enemies without knowing what is happening form his vantage point. All it could take is that one episode, and the audience could be hooked.

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Even though it has yet to begin filming, and a release date has not been given, Class is starting to build a fair amount of intrigue. It seemingly has the potential to be an interesting show in its own right.